About me

Hi there! I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Florida State University working on the reconstruction of seawater temperature in the Equatorial Pacific during the Holocene. My main research interests include understanding how corals grow, their response to both natural and anthropogenic environmental changes and their use as paleoceanographic archives using computerised tomography (CT) as well as a range of geochemical tools (stable isotopes and trace elements) using Laser Ablation (LA) - ICPMS.

I obtained a BSc in Environmental Sciences (University of Zaragoza, 2014) specialising in environmental education, and a MSci by Research in Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol (2018) investigating the potential of stylasterid deep-sea corals as paleotemperature archives. For my PhD, I researched coral growth from massive corals in Fiji and how they have been impacted by environmental and climate change over the last three decades using both sclerochronological and geochemical proxies.